The new year is always a great excuse to try new things. It’s a way for us to click refresh, take a deep breath, and see what’s in store. One of the toughest parts to a new year, however, is remembering to adhere to these new things. New habits can be tough to initiate. One way you can be sure to follow through with your healthy new year’s resolutions is to wear a piece of meaningful jewelry, like this “Make Healthy Choices” cuff bracelet. With your reminder right on your wrist, it’ll be easy as pie to remember your resolutions.
Maybe you’ve had a bit of a slower start to resolution building in 2016 and are still looking for some ideas. Here are a few of our favorite ways to increase health in our lives this year. Keep in mind our motto: inspire the mind, fuel the self, and enkindle the nest.
Inspire The Mind
Keep your mind healthy by reading, watching, and doing challenging tasks. Take the initiative to read a book or magazine just for fun. Watch something that’s inspiring and educational. Challenge yourself to try new puzzles or take on learning something new to keep your mind fresh. When it comes to health, training your brain is as important as training your body.
Fuel The Self
The sub-motto that comes with this “Make Healthy Choices” piece of meaningful jewelry is to always do right by you. You are the person that is affected by every single one of your decisions. Make sure your decisions flow with your goals and aspirations! It can be as simple as deciding to read during your lunch break instead of gossiping at the drinking fountain.
Enkindle The Nest
It’s always important to stay grounded to your roots. Remember your home when you are away. The people inside your home grow in health when everyone is connected. Make an effort to share in healthy family dinners, or learn to cook a new healthy meal together as a family. Nourish your nest so it lasts.
We hope this new year brings you joy and happiness. Remember to always make healthy choices by wearing our cute, simple cuff bracelet. Or shop our entire selection of meaningful jewelry to find something that’s perfect for you in 2016.