We believe in living in the here and now. It’s this belief that founded our business. Mind Fuel Nest blossomed from one not-so-simple word: mindfulness. It’s a word that’s generally recognized, but many people forget to live the meaning, and we believe it to be a true foundation in our lives. Let’s start by looking into the traditional dictionary definition, then we’ll talk about how we’ve interpreted the word, and we’ll close by sending you off into the world to live a mindful existence full of meaningful jewelry, inspirational wall pieces, and thoughtful gifts.

Merriam Webster

We turn to the trusted Merriam Webster Dictionary to provide our definition of mindfulness.

Mindfuless (n.) mind•ful•ness \ˈmīn(d)-fəl-nəs\

1: the quality or state of being mindful

2: the practice of maintaining a nonjudgmental state of heightened or complete awareness of one’s thoughts, emotions, or experiences on a moment-to-moment basis; also: such a state of awareness.

Mind Fuel Nest

We see beauty in being mindful. It’s thought provoking, meaningful, and truly enriching. That’s why we decided to adopt our company name out of mindfulness. We broke it into three parts and gave it a twist of our own. Mind - inspire the mind. Fuel - fuel the self. Nest - enkindle the nest. Mind Fuel Nest means to live in the present while seeking beauty, originality, and true inspirational intent.

Be Free

Since our company was built upon a mindful foundation, all of our products are grouped into our three categories. Anything you purchase here will either inspire the mind, fuel the self, or enkindle the nest. We hope you enjoy browsing through our meaningful jewelryinspirational books, and thought-provoking decor that can turn a house into a home, among many other products. Let them enrich your life!